Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Proposal #3

I am still not real sure what to write about. I would like to write about the issues that feminist fought for in earlier times and compare them to now but I'm not sure how to narrow it down to one topic. I have also considered writing about Hugh Hefner and his role in feminism. My problem may be with finding sources for either of these topics. The book talks about both of these subjects in the first chapter. I'm still not sure what it means to be a feminist so that may be included in my paper.


  1. I have to apologize, Melissa. I thought that you had not posted your proposal. Somehow, I was unable to view it. I am sorry that this advice to your proposal comes late. Both arguments look great. It would be interesting to examine feminism and how it was fought in Susan Brownmiller and Betty Friedan's times. How has it changed? What issues are important now that only pertain to the interest of women?

  2. I also haven't found a solid argument to write about. I think the early feminism thing would be interesting, if your willing to research that much. Hugh Hefner and his role in feminism might be a little harder to find information on, but it would also be interesting to hear both sides.
