Monday, April 12, 2010

Proposal #4

I decided to incorporate my paper on feminism into a fairytale. I'm not sure which fairytale I am going to use yet but I am considering Snow White and Hanzel & Gretel. By using either of these I think I can incorporate the inequalities that women feel against men. I also think that I may be able to address the sterotypes that feminists deal with. Considering I also have to write the analysis paper these may be harder than what I anticipated and a lot more writing, but I love writing more creatively. This might be one of the more fun papers for me also. I'm going to narrow my audience down to young women because they are less likely now days to understand feminism or see the purpose it serves today. I'm not sure yet on my audience but that is my idea. My point is going to be to prove that feminism is needed and we are not post-feminism.

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent point. Don't be afraid of the amount of writing. The fairy tale doesn't have to be long! If you want to keep it to a page or two, that is fine--besides I have to read it :D

    You brought up an excellent point though. We need feminism many of us think that we have equal rights, but we don't, not even in our own country. Women are not equal to men. In my opinion, feminism will always be in demand because of the consistent oppression inflicted upon women and women's acceptance of it. Women have internalized this oppression, so it is second nature.

    What sort of inequalities is documented in Snow White or Hanzel and Gretel? What about the image of these women? What is valued?
